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  • Preferred option
    Pay in Full - $2000.00$2000.00
  • Preferred option
    Split Pay ($500 x 4 months)4x $500.00

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  • 1xCinematic Portfolio Mastery Cohort Round 2$0

All prices in USD

Enroll in our Cinematic Portfolio Mastery Cohort Round 2
and you'll get access to:
The Core Program: Cinematic Portfolio Mastery ($8,000 Value) 
Lifetime access to the full CPM curriculum, designed to help you create a high-end portfolio that attracts premium clients. Includes 8 weeks of in-depth filmmaking and business training.
Bi-Weekly Sales Lessons ($2,000 Value) Twice a month, get expert insights on pricing, pitching, and closing high-budget commercial projects. Learn how to position yourself for $10K+ gigs and beyond.

Weekly Q&A Group Calls with Tenfold ($4,000 Value) Join weekly live Q&A sessions with Jason and the Tenfold team to get personalized guidance, direct feedback, and strategic insights to refine your filmmaking and business approach.  

Private CPM Students Circle Group ($1,997 Value) Lifetime access to an exclusive filmmaker community where you can network, get feedback, and collaborate with like-minded creatives pushing their careers to the next level.   

Plug-and-Play Director’s Treatments, Shotlists & Templates ($197 Value) Industry-tested resources designed to streamline your pre-production workflow, ensuring your projects look professional and polished. 

Exclusive Filmmaking Discounts (FrameSet, Milanote & More) ($197+ Value) Gain access to exclusive CPM student discounts on top-tier filmmaking tools and software, saving you money on essential resources.  

Previous Q&A Calls & Cohort Recordings ($1,997 Value) Instant access to past coaching calls and previous CPM cohort recordings, packed with insights, real-world case studies, and valuable filmmaking business strategies.  

Lifetime Access & 100% Satisfaction Guarantee
Lifetime Access to the core program and all recordings.
Risk-Free Guarantee – Guaranteed to finish your spec project. *read fine print on the main website*